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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) offers a planned programme of careers activities from Year 7 through to Year 13. Students leave equipped with the skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding to manage their lifelong career and learning so that they are as prepared as possible for their adult life in the real world.

At CSGS all the staff see CEIAG as a key part of their job and it is a seamless part of everything we do. As such Careers Education is delivered through a range of activities including: Careers Lessons in the Skills For Life programme, the RESPECT programme in reflective form time sessions, careers events such as workshops, careers fairs, visiting speakers, skills development throughout their academic lessons in all subjects and in stand alone workshops, employer and alumni contributions, in-subject links to employability and careers, individual guidance interviews, school trips, direct experience of the workplace and a range of virtual careers learning activities using Unifrog and other careers platforms – all aligned with the Gatsby benchmarks for good careers guidance.

Our full programme looking at both activities and outcome in each year can be found on the Learning Journeys below:

Learning journey careers activities   Learning journey careers outcomes


The Careers Programme is designed to ensure a progressive and individually tailored development of careers skills, knowledge and understanding in all students. The aim of the programme is ‘Inspire’ at Key Stage 3, ‘Allow planning’ at Key Stage 4 and ‘Ensure focussed and appropriate action’ in Key Stage 5. This is managed by a highly skilled and experienced Careers Team who have years of experience in industry as well as education:

Careers Leader – Miss Emma Rayner– Overall Strategy, policy and programme.

Head of Sixth Form – Dr Nicola Rehling – UCAS

Careers Co-ordinators – Mrs Kirsty Humphryes and Mrs Sarah Blackie

Level 6 Matrix Qualified Careers Advisor – Ms Marion Schoberth

Heads of year/learning – building students skills and confidence

Teaching staff – enthusing students about careers in their subjects

Contact: careers@csgrammar.com


We are proud to have been awarded the prestigious ‘Quality in Careers’ Award for over 5 years, as a result of providing an outstanding and comprehensive programme of Careers Education, information, advice and guidance from Year 7 to Year 13.


Student Experience:

Joe Moran

Currently working as an Aerospace Underwriter.

I chose Business Studies, History and IT as my A-Levels, this gave me a good spread of different areas of knowledge and skills. History taught me how to interpret and infer from large volumes of text, IT was focusing on specific requirements for a project and deliverables and deliverables and Business Studies widened my knowledge of real world processes and costs.
I wasn’t sure which route was best for me while in sixth form. I applied for a place at university but was shown that there were apprenticeship schemes for lots of companies that was another way into work. After leaving Chis and Sid I began working in the IT Development team for an Aviation Insurance company. I spent 10 months in this position working with different teams and people across all areas and levels of the business. I then moved to the operations side and spent time here learning the basics of insurance and the day to day workings of the processes. I spent a few years in this role before moving to a new company in an underwriting support role, I was given huge amounts of support and development and am now an Aerospace Underwriter covering all areas including Airlines, General Aviation, Products and Airports as well as being involved with the Space team.


Lauren Sillitoe

- achieved a place to study English Literature at Durham.

“The journey from Year 3 – me reading Enid Blyton – to being a Year 13 student accepted into Durham University to read English was a long one. I have always known what I wanted to study in an abstract half-dream of book piles and essays, but when it came to the very real prospect of personal statements and ELAT exams I was overwhelmed. One of the first and most useful opportunities offered to me by CSGS was an Oxbridge conference and trip to Oxford, where we were able to explore what an offer to study at undergraduate level would look like at a competitive university. It was also invaluable in terms of constructing a strong application and the basic Dos and Don’ts that served me very well in the weeks leading up to our application deadline. We also had mock interviews with both the Assistant Head and Subject Head, which proved to be both an enjoyable and critical experience. However, it was not just the nitty gritty of UCAS realities that CSGS prepared me for. In a less quantifiable but more long-term sense, the support and commitment invested by the teachers helped to challenge me beyond the classroom setting. Whether it was extension classes, trips to philosophy lectures or the many hours outside of class my teachers spent debating and discussing with me, I am very proud to have been a student at CSGS. My time here has not just carried me to Durham University, but it will support me to further studies and far beyond, and I will always be indebted to those who made that possible.”


Ben Williams

Currently on a Degree Apprenticeship at JP Morgan (Investment Bank).

I am currently an Analyst at J.P. Morgan who is also studying for a degree in Applied Finance from the University of Exeter. CSGS were a big support in me obtaining a place on my apprenticeship – the socialisation of apprenticeships via the careers fair and dedicated sessions within the school was what made apprenticeships a viable option to have on my radar. This helped me evaluate the pros and cons of this route compared to the traditional university one. The careers team within CSGS were also able to offer me more dedicated one-on-one support once I had decided to apply for a variety of roles – this included CV writing, interview prep and support throughout the end to end application process. This dedicated support was an astronomical help in me landing my apprenticeship and is something I’ll always be grateful for. Speaking to apprentice colleagues of mine, they did not have the same level of support for apprenticeships that CSGS offer, and with CSGS being a leader for apprenticeships, the school should be proud of the variety of roles and firms their Alumni have obtained and are currently working at.


Statutory Regulations

The Education Act 2011 made schools responsible for providing a comprehensive careers service. The Statutory Guidance 2019 made schools responsible for a quality careers service that must comply with the Gatsby Benchmarks and comply with The Career Development Institute framework. The Quality in Careers Award shows that the school provides an outstanding Careers Service that meets all the Gatsby Benchmarks.

We have a very experienced careers team:

Mrs Everett: Careers Leader with 30 years’ experience in Graduate and Managerial recruitment and careers counselling

Ms Schoberth: Matrix level 6 qualified careers advisor, who undertakes one to one careers interviews

Mrs Blackie and Mrs Humphryes: Careers Coordinators with over 20 years’ experience in careers and managing Work Expereince.

Dr Rehling: Head of Sixth form, with over 15 years UCAS experience.


We are proud to have been awarded the prestigious ‘Quality in Careers’ Award for over 5 years, as a result of providing an outstanding and comprehensive programme of Careers Education, information, advice and guidance from Year 7 to Year 13. 

Quality in caereers standard

Department for Education Statutory Careers Guidance 

CDI-86 Framework Guidance in Secondary Schools

The Gatsby Benchmarks

Qualification Routes Post 16 and Post 18CSGS Careers PolicyCSGS Work Experience PolicyCSGS Careers Provider Access Policy


Careers Programme

Careers at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School has always been a central component of our curriculum. The programme is designed to ensure a progressive and individually tailored development of careers skills, knowledge and understanding in all students. The aim is to ‘Inspire’ at Key stage 3, ‘Allow planning’ at KS4 and ‘ensure focussed and appropriate action’ in KS5.

Please see below for an overview of our careers activities and outcomes.

Careers Activities:

Learning journey careers activities

Careers Outcomes:

Learning journey careers outcomes

This is managed by a highly skilled and experienced Careers Team who have years of experience in industry as well as education. The programme is reviewed internally by the Careers leader annually, after gaining feedback from students, staff, parents, external providers and governors and is reviewed by an independent careers provider once every three years.

Careers staff are available for advice as needed throughout the school day. We provide training sessions on CV writing; interview skills; applying for university; applying for apprenticeships; networking; how to present yourself. One-to-one careers interviews are also given to all Year 11 and year 9, 10, 12 and 13 students who want one. Throughout the year we have assemblies on a whole range of careers areas including: the current jobs market, studying abroad, the graduate market, how the world of work is changing and student finance. We also host talks from visiting speakers and ex-students on a whole range of industries and apprenticeships and university. Year 12 students also embark on one week’s compulsory work experience. We offer evening training sessions for Year 9, 10, 11 12 and 13 students and parents on: higher education; apprenticeships; student finance and career management.

From June in Year 12 through to October in Year 13, careers staff and form tutors give help and guidance on selecting the right course at the right university and on completing UCAS applications. However, we also advise on applying for alternatives to university including: where and how to apply for apprenticeships/school leaver programmes; one-to-one advice on completing applications for jobs/apprenticeships; one-to-one practice interviews; group assessment centre practice. In the autumn term, we also provide workshops for parents and students on managing finances at university.

Careers Activities for September 2023 to September 2024

Careers Through The Years At CSGS

SGS Guide to Exploring Careers Options Booklet 



Parental Careers Information Evenings:

Year 9:

Year 9 Parental Careers Information Evening Presentation (24th January 2024)



Year 10:

Year 10 and Year 11 Careers Information Evening Presentation (11th January 2024)



Year 11:

Year 10 and Year 11 Careers Information Evening Presentation (11th January 2024)

Year 12:

Year 12 Portsmouth-Higher Education Presentation (12th March 2024)

Bexley Decisions Post 16 Directory Leaflet 2024-25Qualification Routes Post 16 and 18

LB Bexley Sixth Form Open Events Diary 2024

Qualification Routes

Students at CSGS will follow the traditional qualification route of 10 GCSE’s at KS4, 3 A levels at KS5 and then virtually all students go onto degree level qualifications either via University or degree apprenticeships. However, this route is not the best option for all students and the goal of our Careers Programme is to give the careers advice and guidance which enables all students to make fully informed choices about their qualification path and to choose the best path for them for a successful future. We believe in building strong relationships with local schools with differing sixth form offers, further education and sixth form colleges, apprenticeship providers, universities and employers. We and they deliver guidance at all key stages on all possible qualification routes including:

  • Talks in skills for Life lessons in years 8 and 9
  • Talks in workshops in years 10-13
  • Talks in assemblies in years 7-13
  • Visits and trips

All these are part of the Statutory Provider Access legislation which states:

Schools must:

  1. Delivery of two mandatory and meaningful provider encounters during the first key phase (year 8/9).
  2. Delivery of two mandatory and meaningful encounters during the second key phase (year 10/11).
  3. Delivery of two optional to attend encounters during the third key phase (year 12/13).

These provider encounters will be scheduled during the main school hours and the provider will be given a reasonable amount of time to, as a minimum:

• share information about both the provider and the approved technical education qualification and apprenticeships that the provider offers

• explain what career routes those options could lead to

• provide insights into what it might be like to learn or train with that provider (including the opportunity to meet staff and pupils from the provider)

• answer questions from pupils


Year 12:

Year 12 Portsmouth-Higher Education Presentation (12th March 2024)

Bexley Decisions Post 16 Directory Leaflet 2024-25Qualification Routes Post 16 and 18

LB Bexley Sixth Form Open Events Diary 2024

Work Experience (WEX)

At the school, it is compulsory for all students to undertake one week’s work experience during the summer term of Year 12 and students are encouraged to find and secure their own placements.

We are here to assist and guide them through the process to ensure they obtain a safe, beneficial and enjoyable work placement.

Whilst we do not expect students to undertake work experience in Years 10 and 11, for some chosen professions; Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Physiotherapy, it is highly advantageous for students to find placements in the school holidays in year 10 and 11, as well as undertaking the compulsory placement in year 12. The Careers Staff, based in the Legacy Building are available to provide advice should students wish to find such a placement in year 10 and 11.

Work Experience Form-time Briefing 2022-23

Letter to students introducing WEX 2022

An Employers Guide to WEX 2022

CSGS Work Experience Policy


Useful websites:


HP | Speakers for Schools

InvestIN | Ambition Beyond Education – InvestIN Education

Uptree - Professional network for young people


Careers information and WEX openings can also be found in the weekly Sixth Form Newsletters these can be found at /parent-launchpad/letters-home, filter by KS5 Newsletters to view.


Higher and Degree apprenticeships are an increasingly important alternative to students going to university. 

As a school we are very successful with on average 30 to 40 students gaining higher or degree apprenticeships rather than going to university.

We have won National awards for our championing of apprenticeships.

App badges proud national winner 2048x2048

Students will receive information in assemblies and workshops about what is involved in applying for and then undertaking apprenticeships throughout Year 12 and Year 13. The vast majority of students who apply for an apprenticeship will do so in January to March of Year 13 and the school provides one to one coaching on how to apply and be successful in interviews in Year 12 and 13.

The Higher Level Apprenticeships Information Evening is the start of the formal process of making an apprenticeship application. This is continued throughout the remainder of Year 12 and Year 13. We provide student and parental Apprenticeship information evenings in year 11 and 12.

What are Apprenticeships



Year 11 and 12 Apprenticeships Evening 2023 Powerpoint



How to Apply for Apprenticerships Powerpoint

The CSGS Careers Guide to Apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships: Higher and Degree Vacancy Listings for 2023

Useful websites:







Student Experience:


- accepted on a Higher Apprenticeship in Audit with PWC

“I am starting a Higher Apprenticeship in Audit at the Big 4 accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). During the apprenticeship, I will be taking 15 ACA exams to become a qualified Chartered Accountant. The benefit is I will have no university debt, three years of invaluable experience working at PwC and a fantastic starting salary. When joining CSGS for Sixth Form, I was unsure of whether I wanted to go to university or do an apprenticeship in accountancy. CSGS were amazing with the support they gave for students doing apprenticeships, which is why I decided to go for the apprenticeship route. Events such as the Higher Education Evenings, where they brought in other apprentices that attended the school previously, really helped in making my decision. The application process for apprenticeships is different than when applying to university, as you are expected to undertake psychometric tests, verbal and maths tests, and attend interviews. All of this seemed quite daunting at first; however, the teachers who advised me were a great help by setting up practice interviews and explaining what big firms were looking for in their candidates. I am certain that had I not moved to CSGS, I may not have secured my apprenticeship at PwC, so I am very thankful to the school and if you are a student interested in applying for an apprenticeship, you are in very safe hands by being here.”


Daisy McCarthy

Currently on a Degree Apprenticeship at EY.

"I chose to do an apprenticeship as I felt it was the best way to kickstart my career in an area I am passionate about. I initially took a gap year after spending a few months in an audit firm and finding that it wasn't for me. I then spent the next few months applying for countless firms alongside working at a SEN school. Working at the school taught me lifelong lessons which I will always remember, gave me a huge sense of fulfilment and equipped me with resilience. I was able to take this forward into applications, assessment centres and I feel as though this experience set me apart from others.

Since starting my apprenticeship at one of the big 4 Management Consultancy firms, I have been fortunate enough to work across a large client portfolio, each with varying pieces of work to be involved in. I have been offered numerous opportunities over each of these clients and I feel as though I am learning so much each day.  Outside of client work, I am supported through my level 4-7 exams meaning I will be chartered before the end of my apprenticeship. I have also been able to take the role of an apprenticeship ambassador nationally for my firm, as-well as be a part of the netball first team which has made for a positive all-around experience"


Ben Williams

Currently on a Degree Apprenticeship at JP Morgan (Investment Bank).

"I am currently an Analyst at J.P. Morgan who is also studying for a degree in Applied Finance from the University of Exeter. CSGS were a big support in me obtaining a place on my apprenticeship – the socialisation of apprenticeships via the careers fair and dedicated sessions within the school was what made apprenticeships a viable option to have on my radar. This helped me evaluate the pros and cons of this route compared to the traditional university one. The careers team within CSGS were also able to offer me more dedicated one-on-one support once I had decided to apply for a variety of roles – this included CV writing, interview prep and support throughout the end to end application process. This dedicated support was an astronomical help in me landing my apprenticeship and is something I’ll always be grateful for. Speaking to apprentice colleagues of mine, they did not have the same level of support for apprenticeships that CSGS offer, and with CSGS being a leader for apprenticeships, the school should be proud of the variety of roles and firms their Alumni have obtained and are currently working at."

Labour Market Information

LMI stands for Labour Market Information. In short, it refers to any relevant information about the current state of the jobs market.

LMI can include information like:

  • The industries and businesses that operate in a certain location.
  • The types of jobs that exist and what they involve.
  • How many of those jobs there are.
  • The skills that are currently or will be in high demand.
  • Commute and travel to work patterns.
  • Typical rates of pay.
  • Career progression opportunities.

The world of work is complex, even for adults who have had long professional careers. Many people feel that they fell into their career “by accident” or had to take the available opportunities rather than follow their passions.

LMI helps to demystify the jobs market. It helps to take the confusion out of career planning, job hunting, career progression, and changing career. When people have accurate and up-to-date information, they are better equipped to make an informed choice and to plan appropriately.

We publish information on current job and apprenticeship opportunities in our weekly Sixth Form Newsletter.  The newsletters can be found at /parent-launchpad/letters-home, filter by KS5 Newsletters to view.

A Guide to the Graduate Market 2023

And the Degree Apprenticeship Market 2023:

Useful websites:

LMI for Allhttps://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/https://adventuresincareerdevelopment.wordpress.com/



CV and Interview Skills

Students start learning about how to write a good CV and effective interview skills from year 10 upwards. In the summer holidays after year 10 a number of students start applying for Saturday jobs, therefore in year 10 we focus on basic interview skills and drafting their first CV as well as what the Law says about their first job and how to understand their first Pay slip. In Year 11 and 12 the focus moves towards interviews for work experience, university and Apprenticeships, including advice on Oxbridge interviews. In year 13 the focus is on mock interviews and finalising their CVs and personal statements ready for their actual university and apprenticeship applications.

The whole of the Careers Team are experienced in recruitment and a large number of the teaching staff have been trained in CV and interviews skills so can give help and advice. We also have a dedicated Oxbridge Coordinator, Mr Dawson, who together with a group of volunteers and governors provides extensive advice from year 10 upwards for Oxbridge and medicine candidates.

The CSGS Careers Guide to writing a good CVThe CSGS Careers Guide to successful interviews

Useful Careers Websites


General websites (covering all aspects of careers)


Careers and Enterprise

National Careers Service

Not Going to Uni




Websites about lots of different careers and career routes






Websites about CVs and interview skills




Websites for specific careers





Construction Is A Career Like No Other | Go Construct


Careers Week and Fair

We hold the largest annual Careers Fair in Bexley in March each year, which is open to students and parents from year 7 upwards. It runs from 7-9pm. We have around 20 universities and colleges from all over the country attending as well as over 45 volunteers from a whole range of companies and careers backgrounds. Students and parents can peruse the 65-70 stands finding out about how to get into these careers and what a career in these areas involves.  

We will be posting the full details of who will be attending this year’s Fair at the start of February and will be sending details of how you can attend via the school’s weekly communications. In order to give our students as wide a range of career paths to explore on the evening as possible, we are always looking for new volunteers to get involved, please contact the team if you can help.

Our Careers Team can be contacted at:

Parents, Alumni and Employers Participation

Parents, Alumni and Employers we’d like your participation

Today’s ever-changing further education and jobs markets is a minefield for students and their parents/guardians to navigate. Whilst some pupils have a clear idea of their chosen career path, many need inspiration and a little help to make their choice.  Speaking to someone at first-hand about how they made their career choices or going to see what it’s like to work in a particular profession are some of the best ways of educating and enthusing students about all the exciting opportunities out there for them after they leave school.

With this in mind, we would like as many parents, alumni and employers as possible to get involved with careers activities in school. These can involve:

  • Being an advisor at our Annual Careers Fair in March
  • Giving talks to students in lessons, lunch times, evenings and assemblies
  • Helping at the various Careers and Finance workshops throughout the year
  • Offering to open your workplace to a group of students on a school trip
  • Offering a year 12 student a work experience placement


Any event where a parent, alumni or employer speaks is supervised by a member of teaching staff. 


If you are interested in getting involved please contact our Careers Team on careers@csgrammar.com