Boys’ Uniform Y7-Y11
- Plain conventional black leather, not suede, shoes. Fastening must be laced or slip-on, not Velcro. No boots (including the ‘Kicker’ make) or trainers.
- Plain dark grey, dark blue or black socks.
- Plain conventional mid-grey trousers. Not cotton.
- Plain conventional white shirt (which must be tucked in at all times).
- School tie (branded item – colour/school crest)
- School blazer (branded item – colour/school crest)
- White Laboratory coat.
- Bags MUST be; waterproof and suitable for school.
- School sport and PE clothing (branded items, see separate list).
Summer uniform OPTIONS
- Our intention is to make pupils more comfortable in hot weather, but standards of smartness must be maintained both in and out of school.
- Blazers must be worn in assembly, Dining Hall and to and from school. Shirts must be tucked in.
- Black leather shoes must be worn as usual.
- Grey tailored shorts may be worn by Year 7-11 after May half term until the end of the Summer term.
- Any reason to deviate from the requirements above must be put in writing to the Head of Learning.
Optional addition
- Scarf, gloves and hat (which must not be worn in the school buildings):
a. Conventional in design.
b. Plain grey, plain purple, plain black in colour Plain grey, plain purple, plain black in colour.
- CSGS school pullover only (branded item – school crest/design)
- Plain full or three-quarter length (must cover blazer) black, purple, navy or grey overcoat, raincoat or conventional anorak. ‘Barbour’ type coats in dark green, black or navy are also allowed but not military coats, donkey jackets, ‘Bomber’ jackets or ‘hoodies’. No logos, wording or embellishments of any type.
Girls’ Uniform Y7-Y11
- Plain conventional black leather, not suede shoes. Fastening must be laced or slip-on, not Velcro. No boots (including the ‘Kicker’ make) or trainers. High heels, stiletto heels, sling back and open-toed shoes are not allowed.
- Grey skirt or grey tailored trousers. Skirts MUST be knee length and pleated.
- White ankle socks; natural, light grey or plain black tights.
- Students can choose to wear either a lilac blouse or a white shirt (which must be tucked in at all times). If they wear a white shirt they must wear a tie. the lilac school blouse is a branded item (school design). Vests must not be visible at the neckline.
- School blazer (branded item – colour/school crest)
- White Laboratory coat.
- Bags MUST be; waterproof and suitable for school.
- School sport and PE clothing (branded items, see separate list).
Summer uniform OPTIONS
- Our intention is to make pupils more comfortable in hot weather, but standards of smartness must be maintained both in and out of school.
- Blazers must be worn in assembly, Dining Hall and to and from school. Shirts must be tucked in.
- Black leather shoes must be worn as usual.
- Grey tailored shorts may be worn by Year 7-11 after May half term until the end of the summer term.
- Any reason to deviate from the requirements above must be put in writing to the Head of Learning.
Optional additions
- Scarf, gloves and hat (which must not be worn in the school buildings):
a. Conventional in design.
b. Plain grey, plain purple, plain black in colour.
- CSGS School pullover only (branded item – school crest/design)
- Plain standard or three-quarter length (must cover blazer) black, purple, navy or grey overcoat, raincoat or conventional anorak. ‘Barbour’ type coats in dark green, black or navy are also allowed but not military coats, donkey jackets. ‘Bomber’ jackets or ‘hoodies’. No logos, wording or embellishments of any type.
additional expectations
At any time, a member of staff may give directions about uniform for the purposes of enforcing and upholding Chislehurst and Sidcup uniform expectations and to maintain a generally good standard of appearance.
Staff reserve the right to challenge any breach of the uniform code with students on an individual or group basis.
Parental support
Compliance with the uniform policy is most effective when given full parental support and we ask all parents for their cooperation.
Parents who might find it difficult to fund the cost of some uniform because of financial difficulties are asked to contact the Deputy Headteacher.
Currently the School’s School Uniform providers are:
J K Clothing
14 Wellington Parade
DA15 9NB
244-246 Blackfen Road
DA15 8PW
Our Parents’ Association also holds regular second-hand uniform sales which include a stock of branded and non branded items, please see here or visit for further information, fundraising and sales dates.